Vela Brava
Vela Brava is a sustainable project born from the passion for sailing, the love of Alt Empordà and Cap de Creus.
Vela Brava is a sustainable project born from the passion for sailing, the love of Alt Empordà and Cap de Creus.
Our goal is to spread sailing and promote a more sustainable and environmentally friendly tourism.
We want to show you the beauty of the coast, coves, and hidden spots of the Natural Park with respect for its fauna and flora.
Below, we gather some of the opinions that users have shared about their nautical experience with Vela Brava.
Increíble experiencia! Súper agradable y amables Hug y Elma! Repetimos el año que viene seguro 😎🙌
Hugo Palomar22/08/2024Bon dia. M’expresso millor en anglès. Espero que per Google es pugui llegir en altres idiomes també. Hug, the captain/pilot, and Elma, his deckhand, were exceptional. All contact with them was quick and professional. We had booked a twilight tour of 2,5 hours. When it was apparent that it was a bad idea to do that on the agreed upon date because of very strong winds, they checked in with us and offered an alternative, a Sunday morning excursion as all indicated that the sea would be calm. We were very thankful for their suggestion. Not only were Hug and Elma very professional but they were also very friendly and helpful. We were taken down the coast toward Cap de Creus, they offered interesting anecdotes along the way. At a lovely cala, we dropped anchor for a while and so were able to swim in crystal clear, refreshing water. The snacks offered midway through were local and delicious. We would repeat this experience, perhaps even at twilight to experience that. We were all very pleased with this experience.
Noé Cantú Garza21/07/2024Una experiència fantàstica, molt recomanable per aquells que teniu ganes de gaudir de les cristal·lines aigües del Cap de Creus amb un patró expert que us farà gaudir de racons preciosos. Moltes gràcies per aquesta magnífica sortida!!
Teresa20/08/2023Super bé !!! Hem repetit per segon any i ens agrada molt la sortida i el tracte rebut
sandra clavell19/08/2023L’Hug és un capità i un amfitrió fabulós. Vam passar un cap de setmana de luxe. Repetirem en breu. Espero.
Rafel ureña querol09/05/2023Un barco amb història i personalitat, ben cuidat i amb un capità que es coneix molt bé la zona i fa que la gaudeixis plenament. La convivència i respecte per l’entorn són immillorables. Repetiria sense dubtar!
Mireia Luna06/05/2023Insuperable, excursiones màgicas y uns anfitriones de lujo! Paisajes increïbles acompañados de amigos! Repetiremos!
Carlota Cruzate muñoz03/05/2023Experiència molt recomanable! Tracte immillorable per part de la parella que ho gestiona!!! Perfecte per conèixer la costa brava des del mar
Alba Masramon Cruzate03/05/2023El barco, el patró, tot fantàstic!! Repetirem segur!!
Gemma Tonijuan03/05/2023Vam gaudir d’una experiència genial en família i amb els millors patrons del món. Repetirem👌🏻
Telma Cruzate03/05/2023